Publications | Leore Grosman


Grosman Leore, Avshalom, Karasik , Ortal, Harush , and Uzy, Smilanksy . 2014. Archaeology In Three Dimensions. Journal Of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies, 2, 1, Pp. 48. doi:10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.2.1.0048. Publisher's Version
Karasik Avshalom, Zvi, Greenhut , Joe, Uziel , Nahshon, Szanton , Leore, Grosman , Itay, Zandbank , and Uzy, Smilansky . 2014. Documentation And Analyses On The National Scale At The Israel Antiquities Authority: The Story Of One (Broken) Sherd. Near Eastern Archaeology, 77, 3, Pp. 209-213. doi:10.5615/neareastarch.77.3.0209. Publisher's Version
Grosman Leore, Ahiad, Ovadia , and Alexander, Bogdanovsky . 2014. Neolithic Masks In A Digital World. In Face To Face, Pp. 54-59. Jerusalem: The Israel Museum.
Richardson Eitan, Leore, Grosman , Uzy, Smilansky , and Michael, Werman . 2013. Extracting Scar And Ridge Features From 3D-Scanned Lithic Artifacts. In Archaeology In The Digital Era, Pp. 83-92. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Marder Ofer, Reuven, Yeshurun , Howard, Smithline , Oren, Ackermann , Daniella, Bar-Yosef Mayer , Anna, Belfer-Cohen , Leore, Grosman , Israel, Hershkovitz , Noa, Klein , and Lior, Weissbrod . 2013. Hof Shahaf: A New Natufian Site On The Shore Of Lake Kinneret.. In The Natufian Culture Of The Levant Ii. Vol. 505-526. Ann Arbor: International Monographs in Prehistory.
Gandon Enora, J., Bootsma Reinoud , A., Endler John , Alex, Mesoudi , and Leore, Grosman . 2013. How Can Ten Fingers Shape A Pot? Evidence For Equivalent Function In Culturally Distinct Motor Skills. Plos One, 8, 11. doi:10.5061/DRYAD.H0H3B. Publisher's Version
Dubreuil Laure and Leore, Grosman . 2013. The Life History Of Macrolithic Tools At Hilazon Tachtit Cave. In Natufian Foragers In The Levant, Pp. 527-543. Ann Arbor: International Monographs in Prehistory.
Grosman Leore. 2013. The Natufian Chronology Scheme &Ndash; New Insights And Their Implications. In Natufian Foragers In The Levant, Pp. 622-637. Ann Arbor: International Monographs in Prehistory.
Herzlinger Gadi, Leore, Grosman , and Naama, Goren-Inbar . 2013. The Ppna Quarry Of Kaizer Hill, Modi&Lsquo;In, Israel &Ndash;The Waste Piles. In Stone Tools In Transition: From Hunter-Gatherers To Farming Societies In The Near East. Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.
Mendel Anat and Leore, Grosman . 2013. Unpublished Hebrew And Other Northwest Semitic Inscriptions From Samaria Studied With A 3-Dimensional Imaging Technology. Kusatu (Kleine Untersuchungen Zur Sprache Des Alten Testaments Und Seiner Umwelt), 15, Pp. 171-188.
Grosman Leore, Gonen, Sharon , Talia, Goldman-Neuman , Oded, Smikt , and Uzy, Smilansky . 2012. 3D Modeling: New Method For Quantifying Post-Depositional Damages. In Contributions In Mathematical And Computational Sciences, Pp. 11–20. Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-28021-4_2. Publisher's Version
Grosman Leore, Avshalom, Karasik , and Uzy, Smilansky . 2012. Archaeology In 3-D: New Computational Methods In Archaeology. Qadmoniot, 144, Pp. 106-114 (In Hebrew).
Goren-Inbar Naama, Michael, Freikman , Yosef, Garfinkel , Nigel, Goring-Morris A. , and Leore, Grosman . 2012. Correction: The Earliest Matches. Plos One, 7, 8. doi:10.1371/annotation/b52d7ab3-3099-49e1-b4b5-30b76cf153b5. Publisher's Version
Goren-Inbar Naama, Michael, Freikman , Yosef, Garfinkel , Nigel, Goring-Morris A. , and Leore, Grosman . 2012. The Earliest Matches. Plos One, 7, 8, Pp. e42213. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042213.
Grosman Leore, Gonen, Sharon , Talia, Goldman-Neuman , and Uzy, Smilansky . 2011. 3D Modeling &Ndash; New Method For Quantifying Post-Depositional Damages. In Scch 2009 Scientific Computing And Cultural Heritage, Pp. 1-22. Berlin: Springer.
Malinsky-Buller Ariel, Leore, Grosman , and Ofer, Marder . 2011. A Case Of Techno-Typological Lithic Variability &Amp; Continuity In The Late Lower Palaeolithic. Before Farming, 2011, 1, Pp. 1–32. doi:10.3828/bfarm.2011.1.3. Publisher's Version
Grosman Leore, Yonatan, Goldsmith , and Uzy, Smilansky . 2011. Morphological Analysis Of Nahal Zihor Handaxes: A Chronological Perspective. Paleoanthropology, 2011, Pp. 203-215.
Goren-Inbar Naama, Leore, Grosman , and Gonen, Sharon . 2011. The Record, Technology And Significance Of The Acheulian Giant Cores Of Gesher Benot Ya'Aqov, Israel. Journal Of Archaeological Sciences, 38, 8, Pp. 1901-1917.
Grosman Leore, Gonen, Sharon , Talia, Goldman-Neuman , Oded, Smikt , and Uzy, Smilansky . 2011. Studying Post Depositional Damage On Acheulian Bifaces Using 3-D Scanning. Journal Of Human Evolution, 60, 4, Pp. 398-406. . Publisher's Version
Goren-Inbar Naama, Leore, Grosman , and Gonen, Sharon . 2011. The Technology And Significance Of The Acheulian Giant Cores Of Gesher Benot Ya`aqov, Israel. Journal Of Archaeological Science, 38, 8, Pp. 1901–1917. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2011.03.037. Publisher's Version